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Password Assistance

Forgot your password?

Please enter your e-mail address below to begin the password retrieval process. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive.

You can click the "answer secret question" button to reset your password now and verify your answer on the next screen, or click the "e-mail password" button to have password sent to your e-mail address. Please note that in order to see these e-mails, you may need to add the domain address "foreverhealth.com" to your “safe list”, “whitelist”, or address book to ensure the e-mails do not get filtered by your Internet Service Provider.

If you continue to encounter problems, please contact our customer service team at 1-800-333-2650.


Email Your Password

Once you click the button below, your current password will be e-mailed to you. Please remember that passwords are case-sensitive. When you receive your password, please try logging in again. If you continue to encounter problems, please contact customer service team.

In order to see these e-mails, you may need to add the domain address foreverhealth.com to your “safe list”, “whitelist”, or address book to ensure the emails do not get filtered by your Internet Service Provider.

Email Address :

Answer SecretQuestion

Below is the secret question you provided upon registration. To continue logging into your account, simply enter your secret answer below and click the login button.

NOTE: Forever Health provides a directory where people like you can connect with BHRT and other physicians and innovative health practitioners. We do not provide medical advice or services directly. While BHRT and prevention are important to the physicians and health practitioners listed, each has his or her own approach to practicing medicine. So when scheduling your appointment, be sure to clarify the reason for your visit, as well as your goals for seeking out such treatment.

NOTE on Insurance: Innovative practitioners and insurance companies have long debated the importance of preventive medicine and services such as BHRT. Due to variations in coverage for novel treatment options, many practitioners will resolve this issue by providing their services on a cash-only basis. Forever Health encourages you to contact the practitioner to determine if any alternative payment options or post-visit reimbursements exist.

DISCLAIMER: Inclusion in this directory is free to practitioners and does not constitute endorsement by Forever Health. All health practitioners who appear on this list do so on the sole basis of their own expression of interest in the fields of BHRT or other integrative medicine. Forever Health does not verify the competence, professional credentials, business practices or validity of the expressed interests of these health practitioners. Forever Health makes no recommendation of any health practitioner on this list and makes no suggestion that any such health practitioner will cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition.