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Suzanne Somers BHRT | Douglas Lord, MD - Forever Health Practitioner

Douglas Lord, MD

Contact me through Forever Health

(844) 896-6282  or  

Doug is passionate about health and wellness and is eager to share his extensive medical knowledge and experience with Nava clients to help them reach their goals. He is very involved in using scientific methods to help individuals lead healthy lives and is excited about sharing the extended resources that Nava offers its clients.

The proprietary Nava Method takes a medically proven, balanced and integrative approach to total wellness. It is a holistic approach to help clients address healthy aging, weight gain, low energy, fatigue, insomnia, pain, low sex drive, symptoms of menopause or andropause and much more.

The Nava Method personalizes treatment plans in a way that targets our clients’ concerns by identifying the root cause of their problem and continually marks progress toward optimizing one’s health. A very holistic approach, the Nava Method incorporates an in-depth carefully formulated assessment with lab diagnostics that look at over 65 separate bio-markers, more than twice the number in a typical physical, to use as inputs into our proprietary algorithm, to develop a personalized roadmap to optimizing your health in the form of a Custom Vitality Plan (CVP).

Since the best plan is one designed exclusively for you, your CVP is personalized to account for every aspect of your health and lifestyle. It also provides every opportunity for success through the use of medical experts, highly trained and accomplished therapists, sophisticated services, and premium-grade nutraceuticals and supplements.

Not only do we create your personalized CVP, but we do so collaboratively, incorporating a team-based approach. This strategy results in an integrated course of treatment in which each member of our team can contribute to meeting your goals and needs, including a Physician, a Director of Nutrition, a Director of Acupuncture, a Director of Chiropractic, a Director of Massage Therapy, and a Director of Life Coaching.

Forever Health Areas of Specialization

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Female Hormones
  • Male Hormones
  • Thyroid
  • Adrenal

Environmental Medicine

  • Digestive Disorders
  • Intravenous Therapy
  • Detoxification
  • Acupuncture
  • Weight Loss

Integrative Medicine

  • Nutrition
  • Aesthetics

Accreditations & Certifications

  • American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology


  • Loma Linda University Medical School
    1962 – 1967


  • Med Chi-State of Maryland
  • Montgomery County Medical Society
  • American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine


  • English
Forever Health Pratitioner

Office Location(s)

Nava Health and Vitality Center

5 Wisconsin Circle
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

MO - FR 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
SA 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Forever Health Interview
    Imagine listening to an orchestra and the string section is off key. Sounds horrible, right?

NOTE: Forever Health provides a directory where people like you can connect with BHRT and other physicians and innovative health practitioners. We do not provide medical advice or services directly. While BHRT and prevention are important to the physicians and health practitioners listed, each has his or her own approach to practicing medicine. So when scheduling your appointment, be sure to clarify the reason for your visit, as well as your goals for seeking out such treatment.

NOTE on Insurance: Innovative practitioners and insurance companies have long debated the importance of preventive medicine and services such as BHRT. Due to variations in coverage for novel treatment options, many practitioners will resolve this issue by providing their services on a cash-only basis. Forever Health encourages you to contact the practitioner to determine if any alternative payment options or post-visit reimbursements exist.

DISCLAIMER: Inclusion in this directory is free to practitioners and does not constitute endorsement by Forever Health. All health practitioners who appear on this list do so on the sole basis of their own expression of interest in the fields of BHRT or other integrative medicine. Forever Health does not verify the competence, professional credentials, business practices or validity of the expressed interests of these health practitioners. Forever Health makes no recommendation of any health practitioner on this list and makes no suggestion that any such health practitioner will cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition.